Hi there!

HANG WITH US - You can find us on IRC at #fusion-rips@irc.hoshinet.org.

Note: we are not actually a French group. We just like the .fr domain name because those are the initials of this group.

Who are we?

Fusion-Rips was founded in 2012 with the goal to combine several existing groups into one. This way, we could pool our resources.
While doing this, we also wanted to provide encodes in the highest quality possible. Sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn't.
Naturally, something that was once the best might not be the best anymore. Times change.

We occassionally start projects to try and "rebuild" series or movies; to restore them to the way they originally made.
That's why, often, you will find our encodes are mixed from several different sources from all over the world.
While anime is probably our biggest focus, we don't do just anime. You'll also find other animated series or movies, US or other.

If you're looking for more information, if you want to join us or if you simply want to hang out with us, visit us on IRC: #fusion-rips @ irc.hoshinet.org.

Our labels explained

Old labels, no longer in use